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How To Do A Self Breast Exam

Do you wait for your yearly physical to get a breast exam? Do you even get your yearly physical!?

As women, we often find ourselves having to take our health into our own hands. One of the best ways we can do that is by doing a self breast exam at home!

Knowing your body is important. | Image via Pinterest

Here are a few tips we’ve found for you to start examining yourself so you can be proactive about your health.

Now, there are a few different ways you can do it. We don’t know if any is better than the other – we think you should just find the method you’re comfortable with and committing to it!

Don’t forget the armpits! | Image via I Stock

The most common self exam is done in the shower. Lift your arm up, and make circular motions with your fingers all around the breast and armpit area. Then, repeat on the other side. Get in tune with your body to feel any irregularities, bumps, or texture changes.

It’s also a good idea to examine your breasts in the mirror. Look all around the breasts and armpits for any dimples or swelling, or changing in your shape.

What a powerful message! | Image via The Honest Courtesan

It’s super important to do this as part of a routine so you not only never forget to do it, but you’ll actually be able to notice changes. One of the best times to do it is actually a few days after your period, when all of that swelling has gone down.

Personal anecdote: I did a self exam before my period, and I found a lump. I got super scared and went to the doctor right away. Turns out it was only a hormone deposit! The timing of your exam can truly make a difference!

Now, one thing we all need to remember after our exams – if we find something, or if something concerns us, don’t panic! Also, never be afraid to go to the doctor too many times. It’s better to be safe than sorry!

Know your lemons! | Image via Little Things

We’ve got some resources down below that we highly encourage you to read to learn more ways to exam your breasts at home and what to look out for.

Quick tip: the right fitting bra is an important component of your breast health. Bras that are too tight or broken can dig and constrict, creating dimples and bumps that might scare you. Be sure to self measure to make sure you’re wearing the right bra!

Do YOU have any breast health tips?

Let us know in the comments below!

For more women’s health tips and tricks, be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

Until next time,



National Breast Cancer Organization
Maurer Foundation
Breast Cancer Organization

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